About Those Resolutions…

Happy New Year!  Time for me to come up with some resolutions.  Just for grins, I went back and looked at my resolutions from last year.  I had four.  Then I broke my leg.  So I ended up not doing as many or as much of the few as I wanted to.  In fact, I’d even forgotten I’d set those resolutions!  Durn it.  I need to do up a poster for my office wall that reminds me of what I want to do this year, so I see it every day.  That may be the only way to keep up with it.

Last year’s resolutions included keeping up with my exercise plan, reading a book a month, minimizing again (more simple living), and starting a Christmas fund.  The only one I kept up with was the exercise plan.  I probably read 12 books last year, but not one a month, as it went in fits and spurts.  I still have more crap in this house than I need.  And Christmas fund?  That didn’t happen.  I can say I was busy recovering and had bigger things to think about, but that’s just a lame-o excuse that anyone could make.  Either I need a more creative excuse, or I need to stick to my plans better.  I think I’ll choose the latter.

So, here we go:

  1. Maintain and increase my exercise plan.  I’ve talked all year about joining Planet Fitness, if only to have somewhere to work out when the weather is bad or it is too cold to be outside.  So I will do that by the end of the week.  I did start taking Zumba classes in September, and have been doing that pretty regularly.  I like Zumba, but it probably isn’t enough.  I know it isn’t enough.  And it’s winter, so the bike rides are few and far between.  It doesn’t help that my riding space was destroyed in the phenomenal flooding we had in mid-September, either.  I have some alternatives, but they are not as good as where I was riding before.  Still, that’s no excuse, and I need to keep up with what I started.
  2. Read two books a month.  I’ve been reading a lot lately, mostly junk-food (romances and mysteries) but I do read most nights at bed time.  As I did several years ago, I will state clearly that I can read more than two books a month, but that additional books read in a month will not count for a following month.
  3. List one thing each day, in the morning, from my 14,000 Things to be Happy About book.  To remind me to be happy before I have even started my day.
  4. List one thing each day, after dinner, that I am grateful for.

Three and four will appear on my facebook page.

One theme of the past year was that I received a lot of blessings.  Things are good.  Theya re not perfect, but nothing ever is.  But I am sometimes not as grateful as I should be, and I don’t always have happy days.  But I don’t want or like angry days, and I intend to make habits that get rid of that attitude.  Habits are hard to break once they are built, and an habit of gratitude can’t be a bad thing, right?

So, we’ll see how I do this year.  That poster sounds like a really good idea.  I think I’ll do that right away before I forget. :)


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