2013 Right Around the Corner

Would you look at that?  It’s almost 2013.  I don’t know what happened to 2012, but all I can see of it is a wisp of smoke disappearing around another corner of my life.  Soon I’ll need to be signing things “2013.”  Last year it took almost three months to get in that habit, even though I sign and date things every day at work.  It seems the older I get the worse that is for me.  Pretty soon it will be July or August before I figure it out.

It’s time to work on my resolutions, I suppose.  With just a few days left, I need to be ready!  I do set some resolutions every year, although they are rather soft, not set in stone.  The one year I set a resolution that I actually stuck with for a whole year, it was about reading two books a month.  I think that was three years ago.  Resolutions are hard, and research says that only 8% of people actually keep their resolutions.  I don’t know if that’s because our resolutions are too difficult/complicated/grand, or because we are easily distracted.  At my age, I’ve broken an awful lot of resolutions, and this coming year will likely be no exception.

Still, I should at least try, right?  So, here goes it:  my resolutions for 2013.

1.  Maintain my exercise plan.  It’s winter, it’s hard to keep up with my outdoor walking and biking when it’s 2 degrees and there’s five inches of snow on the ground.  To that end, I’m joining Planet Fitness so I can use the exercise bikes and treadmills.  I still intend to exercise by either walking or riding my bike five days a week.  It is hard for me to carve out the time, but if I don’t keep up with my plans, I end up not doing anything at all, and that’s not helping my health any.

2.  I’m going to read at least a book a month for 2013.  I would set the goal higher, but with two jobs and an exercise routine, it is harder for me to carve out the time to do this.  I have at least 8 books on my “must read” list, and I should get started on those.

3.  Minimize, again.  I realized my office space is “spreading” and there are things I’ve not looked at since I moved from Missouri.  Time to go through some of that stuff and get rid of it. There are other areas of the house that need decluttering, too.  Why do I have four sets of sheets for my bed?  Why do I have a mountain of towels when we only use less than a dozen a week?  We have a big house, and it’s easy to sort of spread out and fill it up, but we don’t need to be doing that, so minimizing is the way to go.

4.  Start a Christmas fund.  This year was not my best performance in the Santa department, including not being able to donate charitably like I’m used to.  I am not making as much money as I made before the job loss, and I failed to plan ahead properly.  I don’t want to feel like that again.  I’m putting away money starting with my first paycheck in 2013.

What are your resolutions for 2013?  Are you making any?

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