A Dubious Anniversary

Two years ago today, I broke my leg at the end of a long hike in the mountains.  It was such a shock, that even now, I look back and don’t quite believe it happened.  But so much is wrapped up around the memories of those first few days that I don’t remember much else about the time.  I spent New Year’s in the hospital.  There was no Jambalaya for dinner that day, and as far as I can remember, I slept through most of that day after getting home.

Today, I walk as if nothing happened.  Sometimes the ankle aches, especially if there is a storm system coming in, and if I twist it without thinking, it reminds me that I shouldn’t do that.  I remember thinking at the time that there was no way they’d be able to put that mess back together.  Modern medicine is pretty miraculous.  Most people looking at my ankle don’t even know there is something wrong with it and that it is full of metal.  If you look close, there’s still that wrinkly scar where the giant blister was, and the tib bone end is twice as big as the left one.  But you have to be looking closely to see either of those things.

As I approach another year of “AB” (After Break) I continue to be thankful that they could put me back together, and that other than some stiffness and occasional achiness, I should have no trouble with it.  That being said, it’s time to look at resolutions for 2015.

1. As I have a book contract and am currently in the editing phase, I need to come with and start working on a new idea for a second novel.  This needs to start feeling firm by the first of February.

2. More reading.  I have five books on my nightstand alone.  Last year was light on reading.  Need to up my game a little bit.

3. Work harder on my health.  My last two yearly blood works have come in high on the potential diabetes scale.  This is concerning.  I didn’t ride my bike nearly as often this year as I have in the past.  Time to get that game back on, and to make sure I make my Zumba sessions twice a week.  I also need to get into a nutrition class through my insurance, and start on a preventive treatment to keep me from taking that next step right into diabetes.

4. Get back to blogging.  I was doing well, posting at least once a week.  I’ve fallen off that bandwagon, too.  The more I write, the more I’m inspired to write.  It’s a vicious, but helpful, cycle.

Let’s see how I do!

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