Lucky Number Fifteen, or, Our Unwelcome Christmas Guest

When I was younger, I got sick nearly every Christmas.  I’d have some sort of cold or flu or upper respiratory thing, and Christmas Day was a miserable affair for me.  I had weak lungs, still do.  And every few years, that upper respiratory thing would end up being pneumonia.  In fact, I don’t believe there’s a single time in my life that I have not had pneumonia within weeks of having the flu.  When I was 40 and pregnant with Tater, I got pneumonia three days before Christmas.  I was coughing and hacking and miserable.  Years before, I got the flu on Christmas day, and pneumonia by New Year’s Day, and my kids were small and I was newly divorced.

Many of my Christmases were punctuated with a severe respiratory infection.

But once I passed 40, for some reason all that ugliness practically stopped.  Instead of a cold or flu hitting me five or six times a year, I wouldn’t have any in a 12 month period.  After a while, I would go years.  I felt powerful!  I had obviously been granted some sort of immunity!  My inhaler got to go in a drawer and hardly saw the light of day.  I didn’t buy Puffs by the pallet anymore.  Even when everyone else in the house got sick, I was fine.  Oh happy day!  I got flu shots, got a pneumonia shot, and lived an invincible life.  Well, sort of invincible.  I had shoulder surgery, two knee surgeries, a hysterectomy, and carpal tunnel surgery within a six year span.  And two years ago, I broke my leg in a spectacularly simple fall in the mountains.  But I didn’t get the flu!

Until last week, that is.  Despite my flu shot in October, I ended up with the flu.  Felt like I’d run a marathon and climbed a mountain.  I hurt so bad I took the heavy duty painkillers to sleep, and took two days off work.  By the weekend, the flu symptoms were mostly gone, but I had developed a lovely, unproductive, hacking cough.  By Monday night I knew – I had contracted the dreaded pneumonia again.  Just like clockwork, during the holidays, following a bout of the flu.

The doctor was skeptical, and said my lungs sounded fine, but that due to my history, I had “won a trip to the xray.”  Then she congratulated me on pneumonia number 15.  That is how many times I’ve had it in my life.  I thought I was done at 14.  So, here it is Christmas and I’m on heavy antibiotics and  steroid breathing treatments.  I did catch it early, and while I have some fatigue, my body responded quickly to the medication and I feel pretty good, all things considered.  But I could sure do without this happening at the holidays!

Merry Christmas!

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