Loss and Grief

A little over a week ago, a friend of mine lost her newborn grandson.  I don’t know the details and will not ask, but I know up until a few days before he was born, her chatter was about how soon the baby was coming, teasing her daughter about all the things she’d have to give up to be a mom, and just generally how thrilled she was to soon be a grandmother.  But the baby did not survive, and there was a funeral instead.

I have, as long as I can remember, had intense reactions to the loss of babies.  I have personally never lost a baby, and I don’t count my two early-term miscarriages in the same category as the loss of a full term baby.  Yet I grieve deeply when someone I know has gone through this.  I don’t even have to know them well.  This friend’s daughter is someone I knew in passing, she is the same age as my son (23) and I remember her having a huge crush on my son when they were both 14 or so.  Another time, the tenant living in my upstairs apartment lost a baby, and I cried for days.  I even attended the funeral and visited the grave several times after that.  There are other instances, as well, but I won’t detail them.

I’d like to say that I am grieving for the mother, or the grandmother, or the father, of that lost baby.  But I don’t believe that is true.  The grief hits me so hard, so deeply, that I feel I can’t breathe, and I cry with an intensity that frightens me.  I don’t understand it.  I don’t understand how I can feel so intensely a loss that is not mine.  Every time it happens, I’m stunned by my reaction.  I can’t stop it, or lessen it, or ignore it.  It happens, without me putting any conscious effort into it.

It makes no sense to me.  I express my sympathy and condolences to the family, I pray for them, but I never share with them the intensity of my grief.  It feels wrong somehow to be feeling as deeply as I feel, for someone going through something I have never gone through, and can never experience.  I cannot in any way understand how that mother feels, as I’ve never been there.  I just know I hurt when it happens.

So sad that a life had to be taken away, before it even began.  And I ache for his mother.

One Response to “Loss and Grief”

  1. Jill says on :

    It may not have been in this life, but you have probably suffered this loss before. Don’t feel that it is ‘wrong’ to feel this way – we all have things that touch us deeply and praying for someone you hardly know is never a bad thing. :)